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Herks Paintbrush

Herks Paintbrush


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HPB1001 - Technical Specifications
Size 1/2
Dimension 173*15*10 mm
Features 1. Soft wood handle
2. Tin Ferrule
3. 20% bristle mixed with 80% synthetic filament
HPB1002 - Technical Specifications
Size 3/4
Dimension 180*19*10 mm
Features 1. Soft wood handle
2. Tin Ferrule
3. 20% bristle mixed with 80% synthetic filament
HPB1003 - Technical Specifications
Size 1
Dimension 182*25*12 mm
Features 1. Soft wood handle
2. Tin Ferrule
3. 20% bristle mixed with 80% synthetic filament
HPB1004 - Technical Specifications
Size 1 1/2
Dimension 188*38*14 mm
Features 1. Soft wood handle
2. Tin Ferrule
3. 20% bristle mixed with 80% synthetic filament
HPB1006 - Technical Specifications
Size 2 1/2
Dimension 206*62*17 mm
Features 1. Soft wood handle
2. Tin Ferrule
3. 20% bristle mixed with 80% synthetic filament
HPB1007 - Technical Specifications
Size 3
Dimension 218*75*18 mm
Features 1. Soft wood handle
2. Tin Ferrule
3. 20% bristle mixed with 80% synthetic filament
HPB1008 - Technical Specifications
Size 4
Dimension 247*99*20 mm
Features 1. Soft wood handle
2. Tin Ferrule
3. 20% bristle mixed with 80% synthetic filament
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